
More Than Just a Document

I consider my CV a living, breathing representation of who I am and everything that I want to be. A resume can tell you what jobs a person has held in the past, but a CV provides the reader with intricate details about what specifically someone studies and how they study it. From topic, to theory, to title choice, my CV reflects the combination of hard work and light-heartedness that I carry with me every day.

What Matters Most?

I’ve always been in love with teaching. Even as an undergraduate I was passionate about the performative and informative elements of instruction. It was not until I arrived at ASU to begin my doctorate that I fell in love with my research. I now believe the two are inextricably intertwined. Of course, service is something I do, not as a reputation builder, but as someone who genuinely enjoys interacting with my peers and community members. Service is something we all do out of a communal sense of responsibility.

Program of Research

Research Initiatives

Grant Applicaitons

Utah Tech University

             Faculty Grant Research Program

             Stage: Awarded (Feb. 21, 2024)

             Principal Investigator: Dr. James B. Stein

             Additional Investigator: Lucy Rios (undergraduate student)

             Amount awarded: $5,000

             Summary: This internal grant application is designed to aid in the social networks and partners study

(SNAPS) 2.0, a continuation of ongoing research at Utah Tech that commenced in 2022 (i.e., SNAPS 1.0). The application details the academic precedent for this research project, how the funds will be applied (i.e., diverse sample recruitment through Prolific’s paid services), and the benefits that will befall Utah Tech, my program of research, and undergraduate learning. An undergraduate students serves as a research assistant on this project.The Teagle Foundation

             Education for American Civic Life Grant

             Stage: Rejected (Fall 2023)

             Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Sarah E Jones & Dr. James B. Stein

             Amount requested: ~$100,000

Summary: In line with the Teagle Foundation’s interest for ambitious projects that confront gaps in undergraduates’ civic knowledge and prepare them for the intellectual demands of democratic action, this grant application is being developed in connection with the Institute for Civil Dialogue (ICD). The concept paper details academic precedent for ICD presence at undergraduate institutions, opportunities for community engagement and learning, and proposed application of funds (i.e., development of online tutorials for the public; creation of hybrid facilitator certification program for faculty and graduate students).National Endowment for the Humanities

            Program: Humanities initiatives (FON: 20200716-AA-AB-AC-AD-AE)

            Title: Member and Contributor

            Stage: Rejected (Fall 2021)

            Principal Investigator: Dr. Joy McMurrin, J.,

            Co-PIs: Dr Mark Lavoie & Dr. Nathan Snow.

            Amount Requested: ~$110,000.

Summary: The Communication department (then media and communication departments) submitted to receive funding designed to produce a series of public speaking training videos for faculty, facilitators, and community leaders. Funding was denied; however, the application serves as precedent for future proposals.


Stein, J. B. (2024). Initial explorations concerning romantic partners’ accommodating behaviors to social

networks and the members in them. Kentucky Journal of Communication.42(2). 81-104. ISSN: 1522-3140.

Stein, J. B., Fiori, K., & Murphy, B. (2022), Exploring the direct and indirect effects that network-based measures share with measures and outcomes of attachment theory. Pennsylvania Communication Annual 78(1). 11-37 ISSN: 2326-8093

Stein, J. B., & Moliterno, A. (2022). Applying hierarchical mapping technique to the study of interpersonal communication: Descriptive features of the social network. Journal of Social Psychology Research 1(2). 212-226. doi: 10.37256/jspr.1220221408

So, C., Fiori, K. L., Marini, C. M., Murphy, B. A., & Stein, J. B. (2022).  Relationship talk and well-being during emerging adulthood: Relationship happiness as a moderator. Journal of  Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences 16(1). 48-72. doi: 10.5590/JSBHS.2022.16.1.04

Stein, J. B., & Bennett, L. K. (2021). The Mediating Effects of Network Overlap and Network Uncertainty in         the Investment Model Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 00. 1-6. doi: 10.1002/jts5.109

Stein, J. B. (2021). Testing the predictive and theoretical validity of the network uncertainty measure. Personal Relationships. doi: 10.1111/pere.12369

Stein, J. B. (2020). A longitudinal test of Relational Turbulence Theory. Journal of Relationships Research, 11(20). doi: 10.1017/jrr/2020/14

Murphy, B., Fiori, K., & Stein, J. B. (2020). Keep Your Friends out of It: Network Interference Negatively Predicts Relationship Quality and Mental Health in Young Dating Couples. The Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences, 14(1). 138-152. doi: 10.5590/JSBHS.2020.14.1.10

Stein, J. B., Mongeau, P. A., & Truscelli, N. I. (2019). Measuring the sources and content of network-based relational uncertainty: Looking outside of the dyadic bubble. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. doi: 10.1177/0265407519865022

Stein, J. B., & Davidson, M. J. (2019). Exploring the Predictive and Theoretical Validity of Network Interference and Facilitation. Southern Communication Journal. doi: 10.1080/1041794X.2019.1641835

Stein, J. B., Mongeau, P. A., Posteher, K. A., & Veluscek, A. M. (2019). “Netflix and chill?”: Motivations for engaging in friends with benefits relationships. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. (aop) doi: 10.3138/cjhs.2018-0045

Stein, J. B., Ray, C. D., van Raalte, L. J., & Mongeau, P. A. (2019). Testing Relational Turbulence Theory In friends with benefits relationships. Ohio Communication Journal, 57. 6-17

Stein, J. B. (2018). “The company you keep”: Developing a measurement model of network and partnerinterdependence. Accepted to The Journal of Communication Methods and Measurements in June of 2018. doi: 10.1080/19312458.2018.1487546

Floyd, K., Ray, C. D., van Raalte, L. J., Stein, J. B., & Generous, M. A. (2018). Interpersonal touch buffers pain sensitivity in romantic relationships but heightens sensitivity between strangers and friends. Research in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 6(1). 27-34.

Pettigrew, J., Shin, Y., Stein, J. B., & van Raalte, L. (2017). Family communication and adolescent alcohol use in Nicaragua, Central America: A test of primary socialization theory. Journal of Family Studies, 17(1), 33-48.


Mongeau, P. A. & Stein, J. B. (2017). Friendship and sexual access. The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychology


Teaching Experience

Utah Tech University

COMM 4980 – Senior Capstone

COMM 4900 – Communication Internship

COMM 4500 – Communication and Conflict

COMM 4450 – Advanced Research Methods

COMM 4115 – Communicating in Close relationships

COMM 3990R – Communicating in Close Relationships (1 credit module)

COMM 3010 – Nonverbal Communication

COMM 2110 – Interpersonal Communication

COMM 1020 – Public Speaking

Arizona State University

COM 494 – Uncertainty & Close Relationships

COM 411 – Family Communication

COM 408 – Univariate Statistics

COM 317 – Nonverbal Communication

COM 312 – Conflict & Negotiation

COM 310 – Relational Communication

COM 308 – Advanced Research Methods

COM 230 – Small Group Communication

COM 225 – Public Speaking

COM 110 – Interpersonal Communication

COM 100 – Intro to Human Communication

Community Colleges

COM 225 – Public Speaking (online and in person)

Hosting DSU’s first ever Civil Dialogue in February of 2020


I used to list all my service here but the list was long and boring. I’ll say this: I review for journals and conferences, work on department, college, and university committees, and engage with the public through my Civil Dialogue sessions. I am looking to partner with DSU’s intramural sports club to run charity wiffleball events. I am also always looking for new, exciting, and fulfilling projects to help communities in need. Do not hesitate to reach out if you think I can be of service